What does a doula do?
I’m very fortunate here in Cornwall as there are quite a few wonderful doulas. This means that not only are there are lots of opportunities to provide shared care for clients and back-up for unforeseen emergencies, but also means there is a fantastic network of women, all working towards providing a better birth experience within the county.
As well as the benefits above, it also means that the role of a doula is fairly well understood locally, certainly when compared to other places I have lived and worked. Despite this, I do often get asked what I do, and there are definitely some misconceptions about my job. I always wanted to try and come up with a ‘snappy soundbite’ to encompass my role, but so far it has evaded me, so I thought I’d write a short post of explanation.
Lets start with some myth busting
Firstly, I’m not medically qualified. I can not replace the role of the midwife or any other healthcare professional that may attend to you. I am however trained in providing continuous informational, emotional and physical support throughout your pregnancy, birth and postnatally. I enjoy working alongside midwives and have a deep respect for their skills and knowledge.
I’m als
o not a patchouli smelling hippy, although I do have a penchant for jasmine oil, being barefoot in the garden in summer, and hanging pretty bits in trees.
I like filling my house with treasures from the garden, and do like an Epsom salt filled bath, with essential oils and dried flowers.
I have 50 odd sheep and have been known to spin their wool. I don’t think I’m particularly ‘alternative’, but I’m definitely in tune with what’s around me.
I don’t just attend homebirths. I will attend your birth wherever you choose it to be. You could be in a forest, surrounded by nature’s wildlife, at home in a birthing pool, in a midwife-led unit, the delivery ward or support you through a C-section. What is important to me is that you make your decision having considered all the facts and options available to you, knowing that the choices are yours to make.
I’m not a ‘paid hand-holder’ as I’ve seen us described recently in the press. I’m a trained birth professional, well-read & confident. I will help you prepare for labour, will ensure you’ve considered all your options in your birth plan and am willing to help you achieve your desired birth however possible. Of course, I’ll hold your hand if you want me to, I’m pretty good at it.
I won’t offer you advice, my role is
not to tell you what to do. I can listen and I am epic at tracking down information and signposting. If you’re unsure at any time, I’m a good sounding-board and I’ll be able to remind you about your wishes during any difficult phases of labour. I’ll also remind everyone else around you.
I don’t replace your birth partner, unless you want me to fulfil that role. For me, we are all part of a team. I will ensure your needs are met first and foremost, but I also recognise that your partner will be able to support you all the better if they are rested, fed and hydrated. I’ll remind you both throughout and ensure you are both cared for.
During birth, I will hold that sacred space for you. I will give words of encouragement, help with positioning and give massage to help with pain relief.
What else?
As your doula I will be there for you from the moment you book me. You can call me with any fears, doubts or worries. I want to hear them to understand you better. I will go on call at about 37 weeks, as will my husband, and no doubt friends, to ensure that my family are cared for and I will be 100% focused on your birth. If your labour lasts longer than expected, there won’t be a shift change, I will be by your side. I won’t leave until you’re ready for me to go.
When your baby arrives, I will stay with you, and make sure you are comfortable. I can help to protect that precious, golden hour after birth, making sure you have what you need, are warm, have eaten and have a drink by your side. I can help you establish your first breastfeed if that’s what you choose.
In the days after I will visit you at home. I can provide practical support, whip around the house with a hoover, pop a wash-load on, do the dishes and make you some food. More importantly I can watch your baby if you want to grab some sleep, or I can amuse older siblings. I can listen to you, and go through your birth story if you wish. The bond we build through pregnancy and birth is incredibly special and I value it enormously.

I am a passionate advocate of Birth Rights, for that you can read Human
Rights. I do bang on a bit about ‘Informed Choice’, and I will do my best to ensure that you feel empowered to make decisions that are best for you and your baby.
I have many books that I can lend you, and can direct you to some brilliant organisations who can provide information in less than straight-forward situations.
I hope this has helped to understand what I do. I am privileged to be invited into your birth space and to be able to do the work that I love.
If you would like more evidence-based reasons for why you should consider hiring me, perhaps look at the Cochrane report.
If you think you may be interested, please get in touch. We can arrange an informal meeting to discuss your needs, but more importantly to see if we click. I’m always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Some useful websites